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At the VTC, we are always thankful for media partners who share the impact we have and elevate the voices of our Veterans. These platforms help raise awareness about the issues our Veterans struggle with on a daily basis, highlight the need for affordable housing, and change misconceptions about Veterans who are released from incarceration. Find out what's happening at VTC - click on the articles linked below - and consider signing up for our newsletter to stay up to date with exciting new efforts underway.

VTC Newsletters

VTC January Newsletter

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VTC June Newsletter​​​

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VTC December Newsletter


VTC board member Regina Mason signing a wooden beam surrounded by the Marina community at the Wall raising ceremony

VTC September Newsletter​​​

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VTC March Newsletter​​​

Two men hugging eachother. The man in a white hat is facing the camera and smiling

VTC September Newsletter​​

VTC board members viewing the blue prints of Lightfighter Village with Huff Construction

Stories from Across the Web

Homelessness up 19% in

Monterey County​


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Incarcerated Veterans train rescued pups at California state prison


Two Veterans at CTF Soledad sitting infront of a mural and holding the dog from Wiley's Wish that they are training.

VTC Seeks to End Veteran Homelessness with 71 Units​


CEO Kurt Schake and COO Mike Stull viewing a map of Hayes Circle

Fort Hunter Liggett donations fill up Veterans Center Food Pantry


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Finding Home

Radio Program​​

VTC Graduate Kevin sitting with his dog Bandit

Last Chance Mercantile gives old stuff and Veterans a new life


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